Beastieball demo I thought this was dodgeball
Browsing about, I stumbled upon what I thought had been a dodgeball game. I figured I’d give it a quick go since it had a demo available. Boy, was I wrong. I’m always seeking something that resembles Super Dodgeball Advance. I’m not positive on the title, it could have been another. This was a welcoming mistake though. The art style is always something that is a strong interest for me. This has some incredible hand drawn artwork, with the blending of 3D which also goes into the same effect. Just standing still to look at the environment, you might not even have noticed. It’s beautiful.
To correct myself and start this off, it wasn’t a dodgeball game. It’s volleyball. And it’s not just a basic rendering of the sport. Honestly, I didn’t even know people would be involved. Human people, but you’re the main character. You start off by creating a character, it has a good amount of options. This bit, the character detail reminds me of O.K KO, and Steven Universe. That whole generation of cartoon characteristics. It was a fun little moment to create my character.
Once I finally made it into the world. Again, taking in the amazing blending of artwork and 3D environment. I explored a bit, and it began. I hope you’re a fan of Pokemon. As mentioned this isn’t just simple volleyball. It has the elements of Pokemon. You’ll get a short rundown on Beasties. Your new friend rushes you into a battle. Which after you’ve taken a moment to decide which is the coolest of the 3 choices that’ll define the rest of your life.
You get some instructions, but then a split extra beastie assists you for the match. You gain a little understanding that it’s basically a battle. Choice of how you serve the ball and manage your plays. Your actions can do damage and avoid damages. It’s not too influential on how the game exactly works. This is just a quick introduction, and you’ll later get some more kinds of tips on how to better handle yourself in these matches.
You finish the match, I won somehow. Get treated to some quick credits as some story is being built on your character. Time skip, you hanging with your friend and destruction happening where it all began for you. The reason you need to venture out has begun. You’re tasked at visiting the gym where you’ve been working as an assistant coach all of your youth it seems. The small town and its people, along with a little monument, was very detailed. I hope that the other areas and towns offer even more influence. You reach the gym, and meet Marlin. Who has a strong resemblance to someone you should be familiar with.
Tasked at taking the mantle and wanting to save your preserve. You gotta start by building your team. You get a couple jersey’s, which thankfully you can’t just toss around. This is how you recruit beasties to your team though. Since the place where you originally thought beasties would be is being demolished. You explore a new area. I didn’t waste any time and went exploring. I should have probably attempted to talk with a beastie, but I was exploring and reached a dead end. Where the two originals you started with. So, it’s hard to say that they could have been the only option, or I could have chosen some of the ones I passed to reach that point. Regardless, they accepted my jersey’s and became my starting team.
Returning to Marlin, you’re provoked to do a battle. He doesn’t want to give up easily and pass the baton kind of sense. So a battle is scheduled. I entered right away, but had the option to further explore. Once inside, people gathered. Quick pep talk with your friend. I head to the elevator, which also leads to your bedroom. Here you can change your look. So perhaps you can unlock stuff as you progress. Maybe your room changes too. I’d like to mention that I went to the gym floor. The locker room had some interactive options. Toilet, sink, fountain were all available. That’s a nice touch. They offer just a little extra noches of interactions.
Finally, the battle. Marlin gives you some talk. Basically, this is supposed to scare you. His team is of 1 extra beastie. Their levels tank over yours. Not to fret, this is another tutorial battle. You’re given some quick tips on how to manage a win regardless if the team seems scary. Finally, after some leveling moments. Marlin breaks it down for you. Which I actually liked, cause it starts you off…Asking if you like or watch anime. Then gives a cool shadow presence of all the gym leaders you’ll have to confront now. You’re hyped up and given all the locations to seek out to challenge them. Given a couple more jerseys. And that’s where the journey ends in the demo. You’re capable of exploring some more, it’s not a hard shut out. Just a story progression end point.
A simple misunderstanding turned into such a wild and fun journey for me. The price point isn’t ridiculous and based on what I’ve seen it has a high definition of play time and even replayability. I’ll have to pick this up once my current backlog gets a few more titles cleared. Just from what little time i’ve been given with this game as a demo. I’d give it a solid 4-star frog splash from the couch though. It’s obviously got some resemblance and will probably have a handful of others. You can find Beastieball on Steam. Hopefully it’ll reach consoles soon. Again, don’t just take my words, check out the demo for yourself.
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