Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind | Launch Trailer
When I was just a tad, I knew I wanted to seek out the Lucha life. Something that really made that more solidifying was the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. This game coming out now, is an obvious ploy in trying to ride on that wave the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brought us. I’ll do my best not to break the barriers on spoiling overall story aspects. Just some worthwhile mentions of the game and what it has to offer. I’ll start off, that at release. It offers 5 player co-op, only on steam. Switch and Xbox will get this feature down the road.
To begin, this has nearly everything you’d want from the original rangers. It does well in keeping the original story we know with some extra additional spice from the later series. The stages deliver a lot of familiar scenery. You visit the typical places, city, quarry, warehouses, etc. A little lackluster is that the monster choice, some feel like they missed the memo. This could have been a ploy for future DLC. The music hits the spot with the setting of the past. It’d been helpful if they managed to get a few of the originals to do some voice scenes. It’s alright, but I wouldn’t say it does it justice.
The overall gameplay has the basic beat’em up. Honestly, it doesn’t seem different while on foot. You’re just playing as your favorite character. The only time it does make some difference is when you ride in the Zords, before combining. It sets you into a different game setting. You’re playing something similar to some old shooting arcade games. Again, the attacks are pretty much the same here. Once more after the combination of Zords. You enter a Punch Out scene. Where you’re dodging attacks and giving an attack. Till you fill the meter that’ll draw your sword.
It’s an experience on its own. I didn’t have the chance myself, but I was watching some people trying to handle the fight for the first time. When you have all 5 players, each time you take damage it’ll swap the controls over to the next player. Once you have some people that understand, it might be a fun time. When starting out though. It seems like it’ll be a real pain.
Graphically, and experience wise. I think those modes of the game seem fresh and new. This isn’t something you’d experience at every stage, but you’ll have to manage to deal with it from time to time. So, it could be a hit or miss for most. Especially when you’re having more than a few people playing together. I couldn’t imagine doing this in a public game. To step back to the basic setup. When you’re just on foot, the fighting isn’t that appealing. It has some power moves. But they don’t stand out from one another. Let alone no combos that are managed with their weapons. Not even the combination of those weapons they’d sometimes break out to finish a monster. It’s hard to say if this was a decision of worry or not wanting to further do a deeper development.
Not every level is just on foot. You’ll experience some different settings involving some vehicles. It’s probably one of the better changes and exciting moments throughout the game. I’ll swap off, and say that after finishing the game once. You unlock the green ranger. Which is probably everyone’s main goal. Otherwise, chasing the memomentos and unlocking the playable arcade games in the juice bar. I don’t feel like it’ll have much replayability at this time. I might manage a few more playthroughs personally. An attempt at playing with 4 more friends, and even the ultimate challenge of a pub game.
Overall, generously I’d drop a 3-star frog splash on this title. Nostalgia is a great flavor, but honestly that’s what has gotten me here. The overall experience is fun and different from the other games riding on the same front. The price alone seems predatory. If you honestly want to take a chance, wait this out for a price drop. Have some hopes they’ll maybe give some free dlc additions in the future. Because if they continue to pocket jab, then this is not the direction I hope to see the future of these games continue to grow. Not rely solely on nostalgia fever. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rita’s Revenge is available on all consoles, and Steam now.
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